Kia ora whānau,

As you are now aware, at midday today, lockdown (rāhui) levels are changing as a response to new Covid-19 cases in Auckland.

Auckland will go into level 3 lockdown from midday today.

As a safety precaution, we ask that any tamariki or whānau who have visited Auckland, or come into contact with anyone who has resided in, or visited Auckland please be extra vigilant, check for symptoms and get tested if you have any concerns. If in doubt, do not come into school, phone the office if you need to speak with us. We will know more information soon.

The rest of NZ will go into level 2 lockdown from midday today – this means us!

We have quickly reminded ourselves and our tamariki of the level 2 expectations and what this means for us at school. During level 2, school is open for all tamariki unless they are unwell. If you are keeping your tamariki at home during this time we NEED to know. We can’t be in a position where we do not know where our tamariki are. In this case, we may need to employ truancy services.


What does this mean for us THIS week?

  • Our bus is up and running in the morning and afternoons as normal. There will be sanitiser available and we will keep a record of who is on the bus each day.
  • When your child/children arrive at school we will encourage you to let them walk into school on their own.
  • There will be staff members at each gate to greet the children when they arrive in the morning and staff out on morning duty around the school.
  • Please use our 1 main entrance, which is between Te Hono – our carved posts.
  • If your tamariki are in the Hub or room 2, whānau can take these tamariki to the outside of their classroom – if you need to talk with our kaiako, they will come and see you if it’s not during class time.
  • We are hoping that 8.30am can be the time of morning arrival for most students, with the exception of whānau who start work at 8.30am.
  • Our free school lunches do start back next week also, but not our fruit supply at this stage.
  • Please ensure your tamariki has a morning snack and a water bottle to use – we are turning off our drinking fountains during alert level 2.
  • Breakfast Club will be available from 8.30am – 8.50am for tamariki who want a kai in the morning.
  • We will provide follow-up information about sports and extra-curricular activities in time.