Kei te pēhea koutou?

Firstly, it’s been a great start to the term, thank you for all of your support.

I have a number of things to share with you.

We have had a unified and thoughtful response to recent public health orders and can assure your tamariki continue to be in the safest hands possible. We can also assure you that any visitors or volunteers who are working in our kura have also followed the recent mandate.

We are aware that some whānau are very concerned about the current Covid cases in Rotorua and may be keeping tamariki home as a precaution. We can understand that, all we ask is that you contact the office to let us know. We can also arrange home learning should that be required.

In the event that Covid affects our school or community directly, we will be directed by the Ministry of Education following the current advice of what to do when and if this occurs. In the meantime, we need to continue with our good hygiene practices that we have known for over a year now, and keep showing manaakitanga to one and all.

I would also like to welcome Whaea Kahira Olley to our staff as a whānau navigator who can support whānau in a number of ways to do with overall wellbeing. Whaea Kahira is preparing some information for whānau so that you are aware of what we can offer and how you go about making contact. In the meantime, don’t hesitate to contact our school office to be connected with someone who can help or point you in the right direction.

Due to Covid restrictions our Whakanuia and senior prizegiving will all be online this year – we apologise for any inconvenience, however, safety first. Whaea Callie and Whaea Robyn will be sending out information very soon pertaining to these two annual events.

On the 9th December, your tamaiti will be spending one hour meeting their new teacher for 2022. We have begun the class placement process and welcome whānau input. Please discuss special circumstances with our friendly teachers or school leaders.

Our school year ends on the 15th December – that is the last day for tamariki and our staff have a teacher only day on the 16th December.

Matua Bob