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09/12/2019 All day
Due to the weather today and possible rain tomorrow, we have decided to hold our end of year Prizegiving at ŌWHATA SCHOOL in the hall, commencing at 11.15am - 12.30pm (latest). We will NOT travel to Ōwhata Marae in this case. Please join us at school if you are able to attend. Recipients received a note home last week. Thank you for your understanding.
Kia ora whånau,
Here is information about our end of year prizegiving. Over the years, we have held this as an evening event however, this year we would like to try a morning session. This will be held at Owhata Marae, 10.30am Karakia. If your tamaiti is receiving an award, we will let you know - hopefully you can come and celebrate with us.
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